Cloudflare and Error 522, Connection timed out.

This could be a regular view if you are using Cloudflare and a shared host. Yep, mostly shared hosts will come across this error. So who is the real culprit here. Answer is “none of them”.

So, you choose to host in a cheap host. That is fine, but then do not expect Cloudflare to comedown to your standards. If at all you are using Cloudflare to secure your site transactions, then you have to make sure that the response from your host is quick. Cloudflare expects a very quick response from the host.If it does not get it in the required time, then it simply shows 522 Error.

There are two ways to solve this. Either find a good hosting provider, which can respond as fast as possible, or avoid Cloudflare.

  • Choose a fast host
  • Do not use Cloudflare

Happy hosting.

After all these years!

Well, this site is still here and the content is still here.

WordPress in general may have become bigger than itself but the thing that it provided when I started this blog is still the same. They have nicely maintained their integrity of providing a free to publish service for years.

Unlike many of the startups and new companies who started as a publishing shop soon became something else or keep on changing their values and the result is dis-respect and leaving the platform.

I am hoping to comeback and start the blogging thing going again, here.

Union Platform : a multiuser environment with actionscript

While there are alternatives to actionscript for doing a multi-user application, Colin Mook and Derek Clayton had teamed up (to form to do Union Platform. The platform itself provides alternative languages to develop application with, the most notable feature is one can create multi-user applications with actionscript only. Thats a lot of good news on itself. Well, even a sample server environment is free for 1000 users at one time! Huge! Its called “” and provides a testing ground to test your skills for a multiuser application.
The even bigger news is Union Platform is now on cloud in collaboration with Influxis and its at Union Cloud is free till its in Beta, so the time is now to build a multi user application with Union Cloud , the feature list looks awesome.
Happy Flashing

The Silver lining

Whoa! What am I listening! Can not believe, its true! All this leads to what? Just because someone somewhere said we are dropping down support for Flash in Mobile or other devices !! Or the other one, Flex SDK is going to be maintained by another foundation(spoon project)? Or the HTML framework (Phonegap) is going to live somewhere else !?

Its a long post, but still I could not write everything.
Continue reading “The Silver lining”

Geting started with Starling, running Flash in GPU.

With Flash player 11 comes Stage3D, which enables us to run Flash content in GPU. While its all good, coding for a simple task looks as if something real big.

Fortunately Starling-framework makes the life easier. Its a framework on top of Stage3D(codenamed Molehill). The best part of it is one can just use it as if using flash’s own API. It has movieclip, sprite, events and displaylist. While I was trying my first handson this framework, found some must to do things, which may save someone’s time.

Minimum requirement,

To run
1. First of all, it needs Flash Player 11.
2. It must be run inside a browser. Yeah, SWF must be embedded inside a HTML page.
3. Inside the embed code, “mode” must be set to “direct”.

<param name="wmode" value="direct">

4. Embeding the swf with SWFObjectdoes not work for me. So used the minimum default Object-embed method. To author 1. Need Flash Player 11 SDK 2. Overlap it on Flex SDK 4.5.1 , so that you got the compiler ready. 3. Compile with extra compiler argument as ” -swf-version=13 “.

The basic HTML boilerplate code to embed look as

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <meta name="google" value="notranslate">         
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="600" height="600" id="movie_name" align="middle">
    <param name="movie" value="Startup.swf"/>
    <param name="wmode" value="direct">
    <!--[if !IE]>-->
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Startup.swf" width="600" height="600">
        <param name="wmode" value="direct">



Happy Flashing.

Flashplayer Throttle : Solving a problem or creating one !

This might be a little late, but worth keeping an eye on. As we know since Flashplayer 10.1, the player is throttled in situations. What does that mean is the FlashPlayer will run the EnterFrame and Timer based events at much lower rates, when the player is not visible. Much lower means, as low as 2 FPS (2 frames per second) and AS2 Intervals as well as AS3 timers will low down to 2 events per second!!

This throttling is best for mobile and other devices which can run FlashPlayer now. Throttling means saving of energy and increasing battery life of the device. So it seems its the best thing happened to Flashplayer, while we are making content for the devices.

The problem arises when we create stuffs for desktops or laptops, where FlashPlayer was running since a long time, conventionally. And we still think we can go on developing our applications and games with the same mind set as we used to do till now. While developing games, the most used event is ENTER_FRAME and when throttling happens, all of the logic of the application/game goes wrong!! While the logic of the game still holds good if the player is active all the time but once the player is invisible, the player starts to throttle and frame-rates and timer events start to fall. This will happen even our game is running in a browser tab and we are in another tab. This can happen if we scroll down a page and the game is on the top portion of the page! The tricky part is different browsers behave differently and there is no clear idea about when the player starts throttling. So there is no fix solution for the same too.

Continue reading “Flashplayer Throttle : Solving a problem or creating one !”

FlashDevelop goes beyond Windows only

This is good to see, finally the powerful opensource IDE for actionscript, haxe and php is targeting cross platform. With its newer community release version, apart from the major upgrade to the coding environment, the whole IDE is moving to Linux and Mac OSx. These ports are bridge based, but the intentions are clear. So exciting to see the whole of the IDE running in other platforms.

Well, the core feature of the IDE is updated to a significant level. The development and publish settings for AIR is now having a visual dialogue box. There is a project template for AIR for Android. These are some of the things apart from the whole list of features listed here.

Happy Flashing